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Jesus Christ And The Rapture
ISBN 9781625097309
"Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." –James 4:14
This book describes why God made man; why he fell; the life of Christ, mankind's place in the Rapture and gives insight into where believers and unbelievers go when the final day for mankind ends. The above scripture is sucinct. What will be your decision for eternal life? Look inside for the answers!
The Gospel of Mark, A Bible Commentary
ISBN 978-1-4984-2164-5
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life ransom for many." - Mark 10:45 (NKJV)
The Gospel of Mark presents "Jesus in Action" as a servant, emphasizing more on what Jesus did than on what He said. This commentary gives you the meaning of scripture and how it applies to your life now and in the future.
Isaiah the Prophet, His Glorious Ephinanies
A Bible Commentary, Chapters 1-39
ISBN 978-1-4969-7098-5
What is an epiphany but a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by a simple homely, a commonplace occurrence or human experience? The experience that Isaiah would come to know was that of God Almighty who chose him to prophecy against the nation of Israel and the gentile world that He is God and that there is no other deity that exists. Isaiah’s prophecy would not only touch Israel, but the gentile world at large. This book gives the reader insight into how God works through people and nations to bring about His will given through His Old Testament prophets and now through His Word today outlined in the greatest book ever written (the Bible). May the reader of this book receive a blessing that he or she will cherish for life!
Isaiah The Prophet, The Imminent Return of Christ
A Bible Commentary Chapters 40-66
ISBN 978-1-4969-7105-0
Isaiah has always been considered the greatest of the Old Testament prophets and while many of his prophecies have already been fulfilled, many are yet to come to fruition. Chapters 40-48 are the comforting promises of the salvation and restoration of the exiles. Chapters 49-55 are messages of deliverance by the Messiah and chapters 56-66 are admonitions to obedience and promises of not only Israel's future glory, but the raptured saints as well. In this book you will find out all about the end times And God's judgments of Israel and all the nations that Come through the tribulation period!
Dating and Marriage From a Biblical Perspective
ISBN 978-1498461689
What does it take to have a successful romance that leads to a successful marriage? How can you raise your children in An ever-increasing dysfunctional society that has lost its moral Compass? How do you deal with the loss of a spouse or love one? How do you get your significant other as well as your child to listen to you rather than just hear what you say? These questions and more are answered in this book utilizing God's plan for relationships, marriage and the Successful rearing of your children. It utilizes scriptures And some psychological queues that will help answer all the aforementioned questions and show you some very interesting things about yourself. Many blessings to you!
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